National Tree Day on Sunday 31 July is the perfect opportunity for you and your family to get outdoors, connect with nature and do something good for the environment. There will be tree planting and wildlife presentations on the day. Please wear appropriate clothing—a hat, covered shores, long sleeved shirt and long pants are recommended. Gloves, tools and equipment for planting, watering cans and buckets, drinking water and a BBQ will be provided on the day.
One of this year's tree planting site will be in Bancroft’s Red Gum Bush Reserve (End of Lakeshore Place, Little Mountain Parklands, Little Mountain).The site size is 4000sm and will be planted out with mainly Wallum species to extend the existing bush reserve which is aimed to protect, maintain and restore the environmental and habitat values. This will be the main project site for the southern region so come and play your part with local Bushcare groups to help protect our environment for future generations. Second site will be at Marcus Beach where you can help revegetate the dunes of Marcus Beach, creating wildlife corridors and linking significant habitats.